
Accelerating AI innovation and advanced analytics in insurance

By Simon Axon, EMEA Financial Services Industry Consulting Director, Teradata

Simon Axon
Simon Axon
9 novembre 2023 3 min de lecture

A wake-up call for the sector

Earlier this year, McKinsey published a report revealing a concerning lack of data and analytics maturity among insurers in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA). While four standouts drove a 10-20% uplift in profit in 2022 by implementing AI and advanced analytics, most have yet to capitalize on the estimated €1.2 trillion in realized and potential value in analytics for the sector. Meanwhile, insurers are facing a new threat: competitors from outside the sector are using AI-powered opportunities, technology, and data-driven insights to disintermediate the sector and offer insurance products directly to consumers.

Too much talk, not enough action

Given this reality, it’s no surprise these technologies are top of mind for insurance executives. Overall, EMEA insurers seem to understand the need to rapidly accelerate their capabilities if they hope to survive and thrive in the AI-driven decade ahead. However, for most players, there’s still a huge gap between talk and action. According to the McKinsey report, only one in five of the EMEA firms surveyed said they’re using automated analytics for the majority of decisions, and nearly 60% described their maturity stage as aspirational. Interestingly, none of the firms surveyed, even the top performers, identified themselves as analytics-driven organizations.

Lessons from the leaders

Many other sectors are already way ahead of insurance in terms of generating value from advanced analytics. Leaders are finding ways to apply AI, machine learning, and other analytics-based approaches to business segments like marketing, renewals, claims handling, and customer experience. For example, Verizon, a global telecom giant, leverages advanced analytics to identify potential churners and tailor its retention programs. By spotting customer trends early, it’s able to alter products and services to keep customers happy and create new revenue streams.  

Another telco, Saudi Telecom Company, uses AI to analyze structured and unstructured data and build a clearer picture of individual customers’ wants and needs based on their behavior. Using these insights, the company is optimizing the customer experience in ways that build loyalty and increase cross-selling opportunities.  

Within the insurance sector, Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance created a system called MS1 Brain that uses AI to predict demand and suggest next best actions for agents to take in sales interactions with customers. Since implementation, the rate at which customers add supplemental coverage at policy renewal has increased by 250%. And another leading medical insurer leverages advanced analytics to detect anomalies and navigate elusive diagnoses, enabling them to prevent losses while improving customer service.

Enterprise data platforms: the critical piece

What’s the common thread that enables these different businesses to successfully deploy AI and advanced analytics at scale to drive growth and profitability? As Teradata customers, they’ve all put data at the heart of the organization. And this doesn’t mean simply acknowledging data as an asset; it’s about putting data to work across every department and in every decision. This requires deploying an enterprise-wide analytics and data platform with high levels of governance to drive better insights and intelligent decision-making. Implementing a handful of point solutions operating in departmental or product-specific silos is not enough.

Capturing the true value of AI and advanced analytics

Becoming an analytics-driven organization involves more than just a technological transition. It takes a shift in mindset and a whole-hearted commitment from leadership to responsibly integrate data analytics and trusted AI across the enterprise. There’s much that insurers can learn from other industries, but the insurance landscape is changing fast and time is running out. To find out how Teradata can help your organization effectively deploy advanced analytics at enterprise scale, please get in touch with our Insurance Industry consulting team.

This is the first article in our miniseries on data and analytics and their crucial importance for the insurance sector. Stay tuned for the second installment, in which we’ll explore how climate risk is transforming the industry.

À propos de Simon Axon

Simon’s primary focus is to help Teradata customers drive more business value from their data by understanding the impact of integrated data, advanced analytics and AI. With a background that includes leadership roles in Data Science, Business Analysis and Industry Consultancy across Europe, Middle East & Asia-Pacific, Simon applies his diverse experience to understand customers’ needs and identify opportunities to put data and analytics to work – achieving high-impact business outcomes.

Having worked for the Sainsbury’s Group and CACI Limited prior to joining Teradata in 2015, Simon is now the Global Financial Services Industry Strategist for Teradata.

Voir tous les articles par Simon Axon

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