
Robert Paller

Solution Engineer, Public Sector, Teradata

Robert Paller is a Solution Engineer for Teradata Government Systems, LLC, the division of Teradata supporting federal, state, and municipal government agencies in the United States. He is responsible for gathering requirements and architecting cloud-enabled analytic solutions for Teradata’s government clients.

In his 8 years with Teradata, Robert has worked as a senior professional consultant for Teradata Government Systems supporting the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. He began his role as the lead operations and maintenance DBA for the Integrated Data Repository (IDR) where he established and maintained relationships with cross-functional teams and federal program managers. Robert worked as a performance DBA under the Large Scale Data Repository program balancing a complex mixed-workload environment with the competing interests of multiple organizations across the agency. Most recently, Robert worked supporting the technical operations team for one of the agencies largest programs on the IDR, the Center for Program Integrity. This program services the needs of over one thousand users responsible for identifying and prosecuting fraud, waste, and abuse in the Medicare and Medicaid Programs.

Prior to joining Teradata, Robert worked with the State of Michigan on a project that developed a solution to improve the accuracy of it’s Supplement Nutrition Assistance Program. After the solution was implemented, Robert moved into an operations and maintenance role as database administrator for the Department of Health and Human Services for the State of Michigan.


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